Children’s World


Kid’s Own Toy Zone

The inception for this kid’s zone was to create a unique world that satiate all the functional and creative needs of children.

  • 2020


Thus, a futuristic toy world was ideated where all the functional units are amalgamated with play elements such that they are reciprocal to the kid’s movement and anthropometry, keeping them continuously occupied. A semi-open bedroom for boy and girl each, with a common zone of confluence in-between forms the overall structure of this kid’s paradise.
All elements including furniture, storage, floor, walls and ceiling were designed with a theme specific to their fantasy and activity.


An automobile inspired boy’s bedroom set with an airplane bed, toy car track and bike wall mural contrasts with lotus bed, crown shaped mezzanine and doll house of the daughter’s room. The central common room adorns the study area with common play elements, instigating the interest of the kids with every step they take.