Puniska Healthcare Pvt. Limited
Minimalistic Monolith
Puniska Healthcare is an upcoming export oriented pharmaceutical manufacturing facility where the focus was to design a world class complex catering to the international pharmaceutical standards.
- 2019
Architecture and Interiors
The landscape area in the northwest was designed with careful consideration of the topography and water movement with strategic placements of contours and treescape co-existing symbiotically. The zone near the entrance was utilized for Medical Block, shaded parking, and staff quarters while other tributary buildings are lined near the main building. The main factory building, located on the southern zone was given a combination of stone and glass façade facia, rendering a contemporary outlook.

The admin zone was designed with a clean linear layout with a play on solid and glass partitions with monochromatic color hues to match the exterior. The contrary was the staff canteen area which was a play on quirky color combinations and rustic false-ceiling patterns integrated with open AC ducting.